Marko @ Mobile Coding Factory
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Resonance Blog 4. - Focus

Hi, I’m Marko, (mostly) an iOS developer and this is a somewhat weekly list of interesting articles, books, podcasts, music, and videos that I come across during the week that helps me grow or resonate with me in some way. I hope you enjoy it and find something useful here.


It’s been a while, but here are some articles that resonant with me during and after all these Holidays. Last month was a challenge for me and some kind of a turning point in my way of thinking. I have started to pay more attention to the time I spend and on what am I spending. Somehow it turns out that I run into a couple of references on this topic. This is also coming in the period when I introduce meditation in my morning routine (with Headspace app) so these are all pieces of one big puzzle. One reference that resonate most was the podcast episode of Developer tea podcast, and the episode called Your Only Challenge Is To Focus. Here the host is talking about the importance of focus and how multitasking is making us less productive. We think that we are productive but we are not making meaningful progress on any of the things that we work on. Besides this focusing on the micro-level, it is also important to focus on the macro level. If you are trying to be good at multiple things in a longer period (a month, quarter, or a year, for example) result will be similar to multitasking on day-to-day tasks. Best results will have those who are focused on fewer things! Most of us are scared that focusing on one thing is going to make them lose pace on other things, but the reality is that this time is just a small portion of our whole career and the benefits of focusing and improving can be greater than the loose. For example, if we dedicate 3 months to improve some part of our skill-set (this is usually just 0.5% of our total working career) that can bring us just 1% improvement in the long run, it will pay off. Even if this dedicated time turns out to be a mistake it will not cost us a career as we feared. Moreover, what Jonathan is challenging us is to go even a step further and to go deeper when we learn or read something.

> The difference between a good experience and an amazing experience is usually one extra thing. The difference between a good project and a great project is usually a little bit of extra time spent.

The conclusion is to cut out the things that don’t matter

One other post that I run into is simply explaining how multitasking is a lie and even computer processor is not doing multiple things at the same time even if it looks like.

iOS related articles:

iOS Tips:
