Marko @ Mobile Coding Factory
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Resonance Blog 2. - How much for that app?

Hi, I’m Marko, (mostly) an iOS developer and this is a somewhat weekly list of interesting articles, books, podcasts, music, and videos that I come across during the week that helps me grow or resonate with me in some way. I hope you enjoy it and find something useful here.

How much for that app?

This week I have read a great article on IA Writer blog - On Apps and Coffee. They try to explain why pricing the app is so hard and also so personal thing. For one person paying 10$ (for example) for an app can be too much if he/she does not find value in it, but for others, this can be cheap as that same app can save multiple hours of work every day. This is just an example, but the point is that price is a subjective thing and can not be defined uniquely for everyone. That is why they suggest that saying “this app is worth one cup of coffee every month” is wrong since it is not the same thing to compare in the first place. The price of the cup of coffee can be calculated and it is the same for all but the price of the app is depending on the person and the value that it brings to him/her.

iOS things that I learned:

Lazy Stacks:

I recently run into this short video on RW site and it was a nice surprise. Lazy stacks (LazyVStacks and LazyHStacks) are typically used within ScrollViews when we have a lot of data to show in the list and we do not want to use ListView for this (maybe it is simple UI that just needs to be presented without too much complexity of ListView).

Link Presentation:

I also find out about this cool API that is introduced way back in WWDC 19. Link presentation is used to display visually various types of links (video, event, article, etc) and before it, we needed to use a library for this. I find a nice and detailed explanation for using link presentation on martiancraft blog
